Caregiver-Friendly Workplaces

A woman wearing an bright yellow jacket walking arm-in-arm through a park with her grandmother.

Working Caregivers Project

Sixty-two percent of caregivers in Canada balance paid employment with caregiving responsibilities for a family member, friend or neighbour. These 6.1 million working caregivers, representing 35% of the workforce, are often invisible in the workplace and manage their responsibilities without adequate support or recognition. 

To better understand the experiences of working caregivers, we completed a comprehensive environmental scan, literature review and interviews with workplace leaders, HR professionals, caregivers, and service organizations that support both employers and working caregivers. This work was led by Christa Haanstra from 4C Strategy Group and Nora Spinks from Work-Life Harmony Enterprises in 2023.

From Insights to Action

With the knowledge gained from phase one and through the survey analysis included in Caring in Canada, CCCE is now shifting from gathering insights to taking concrete actions. Our aim is to build on the existing support and services for working caregivers and workplaces and address the gaps that leave working caregivers feeling unsupported and undervalued.

Planned Phase 2 activities include:

  • Convening a Working Caregivers Advisory Group that will help mobilize strategic partnerships with private, public and non-profit sector employers.
  • Partnering with specific organizations as part of a Living Lab Collaboration to co-design and implement practical solutions to address working caregiver needs, evaluate successes and build pathways for continuous improvement. 
  • Convening a virtual roundtable of Employee Resource Group leaders.
  • Leading further discussions to explore and summarize the needs of working caregivers in non-traditional work settings (i.e. freelancers and/or those who are self-employed.)

Stay Connected

Together, we can work towards a more supportive environment for Canada’s working caregivers, ensuring they have the resources and recognition they need to thrive both at work and at home. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn how you can be involved in this important work.

Supporting Caregivers Through Strategic Partnerships

Supporting Caregivers Through Strategic Partnerships is an initiative by Caregivers Alberta, which aims to build new caregiver support models in workplaces and in healthcare settings across the province.

With our support, Caregivers Alberta will grow partnerships with Alberta-based organizations and workplaces to support two emerging programs: Work & Care and Caregiver Centered Care

  • Work & Care was developed in response to the needs of caregivers returning to the workplace post-pandemic. It creates awareness of the challenges experienced by employees with caregiving responsibilities, while assisting employers in helping to better support these employees.
  • Caregiver Centered Care is a program of applied research & innovation in health services delivery in family caregiving, created by the University of Alberta.

The focus areas were chosen based on caregiver identified needs.