Advocacy and Policy Development
Caregiving is the next frontier of public policy in Canada.
We advance the caregiving landscape in Canada by advocating for policy that improves the well-being of caregivers and care providers and supports the care economy.
We do this by working with all levels of government and aligning with organizations and people with lived experience to effect change and raise awareness of the challenges faced by those who give care in Canada.
Giving Care: An approach to a better caregiving landscape in Canada
Giving Care: An approach to a better caregiving landscape in Canada is the CCCE’s first policy whitepaper. The report aims to ignite a public conversation on the state of caregiving and offer potential policy solutions to address the many challenges and systemic issues experienced by Canada’s 8+ million caregivers and care providers across the country.
National Caregiving Survey – Summary of findings

To better understand the current experiences of caregivers and care providers across Canada, CCCE worked with Leger to develop and deliver a pan-Canadian survey.
The National Caregiving Survey summary of findings is the first release of data collected in the National Caregiving Survey, conducted by CCCE with Leger.
Initial data highlights:
- 76% of care providers and 61% of caregivers say that policy related to caregiving is important to how they vote.
- 90% of caregivers need broader financial support.
- 94% of caregivers need better access to home care services.
- 64% of care providers say higher pay is needed for job satisfaction.
- Only 25% of care providers feel supported by governments.

Caring in Canada: Survey insights from caregivers and care providers across Canada
Caring in Canada provides an in-depth analysis of the survey results collected in the National Caregiving Survey completed by more than 3,000 caregivers and care providers from across Canada. The survey, conducted by Leger offers new insights into the experiences of caregivers and care providers across Canada.
National Caregiving Strategy
We are co-designing a National Caregiving Strategy with caregivers and care providers across the country to make Canada the best place in the world to give and receive care.
Our National Caregiving Strategy will focus on federal areas of responsibility, which includes housing, updates to the tax code, and the immigration system. This will have the broadest immediate impact across the country and influence future policy changes in the provinces and territories.
Policy and Research
CCCE supports policy development and research that advances the knowledge and capacity of the caregiving field. Explore our Policy and Research page to learn more about our work in this area.