Equity / Underserved Communities

As we work to strengthen support systems for caregivers, we endeavour to identify and support equity-deserving groups that are marginalized or constrained by existing structures and practices.

We seek to build and nurture new networks and better understand the needs of all caregivers from coast to coast to coast.

With our roots in disability community, we embrace the principle of “nothing about us without us.” We value and invest in lived experience and co-design approaches.

A young black woman caregiver hugs an elderly black woman’s shoulders while looking at her lovingly

Mapping caregiver needs and supports in Nunavut

Nunavummi Disabilities Makinnasuatiit Society

There is limited information about the unique needs of caregivers in Nunavut. To help address this knowledge gap and improve caregiver conditions, the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE) is conducting a collaborative caregiver needs mapping exercise with the Nunavummi Disabilities Makinnasuiqtiit Society (NDMS).

With support from CCCE, NDMS will: 

  • Facilitate culturally appropriate, Indigenous-led sharing circles for caregivers in 25 Nunavut communities between 2021 and 2024
  • Produce a report that outlines where services and supports are needed to improve the experiences of caregivers in the territory
  • Identify practices and services that will fill gaps and create sustainable supports

About NDMS
Nunavummi Disabilities Makinnasuaqtiit Society (NDMS) is the only cross-disability organization in Nunavut. It supports people across their lifetime, from infants to Elders.

NDMS developed out of grassroots, community-based action. In 1999, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. provided office space and staffing to a small group seeking to bring awareness and justice to people living with disabilities in Nunavut. In 2005, NDMS was incorporated as a society and became the representative organization for people living with disabilities in Nunavut.

The mission of NDMS is to help all Nunavummit with disabilities achieve independence, self-determination and full citizenship.

Increasing support for Francophone caregivers outside of Quebec

L’appui des proches aidants logo

There is a growing need for caregiving resources and supports in francophone communities across the country. The Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE) is partnering with L’Appui des proches aidants (an organization that supports caregivers in Quebec) for a three-year initiative to help address this gap.

L’Appui des proches aidants will:

  • Conduct a mapping review of caregiving organizations serving francophone communities in British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario
  • Evaluate the needs of caregiving organizations, including training, networking, cooperation, support and resource-sharing
  • Provide direct support to caregiving organizations by offering relevant tools that are adaptable to the needs of their community
  • Launch and support a francophone caregivers’ network with an online presence and in-person meetings

About L’Appui des proches aidants
Since 2009, the mission of l’Appui pour les proches aidants has been to promote the well-being and quality of life of caregivers. The organization offers several services, including:

L’Appui pour les proches aidants supports organizations across the province of Québec that help caregivers and advocate for better experiences.

Supporting health care providers in Indigenous communities in Alberta

The Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence is supporting researchers at the University of Alberta to learn about current barriers and opportunities for supporting Indigenous family caregivers.

The research team interviewed caregivers, health and community care providers and leaders in the Samson Cree Nation and Enoch Communities in Alberta to develop an understanding of the current barriers to supporting Indigenous caregivers.

Research Highlights:

  • Challenges faced by Indigenous caregivers include difficulty navigating systems, delayed assessment and treatment, disconnected health records, and racism.
  • Caregivers indicated that they felt that their needs and well-being are not prioritized in current policy or programs and experienced challenges working with the many levels of government to access programs and services in the community.
  • Social determinants of health such as poverty, housing, safe water, and lack of trust in the system make caregiving more difficult for caregivers.


  • Meaningful holistic system change is needed to support Indigenous caregivers.
  • Caregivers need to be recognized for their role and provided with culturally safe care, improvements in home care support and respite, enhanced navigation support and timely access to services.
  • Care providers require a comprehensive grounding in cultural awareness, improved orientation, and support for their health and wellbeing.  

Related resources:

Quebec Young Caregiver Support Hub

To grow the capacity to help young carers in Quebec and across Canada, we are supporting the creation of the Quebec Young Caregivers Support Hub, led by AMI-Québec.

The Quebec Young Caregiver Support Hub is an expansion of their existing Young Caregiver Initiative and will offer direct support to young caregivers and grow AMI’s existing community of practice to better serve young caregivers.

The Hub will:

  • Serve additional high-need young carers by expanding access to youth programs and outreach, such as support groups, educational workshops and service referrals
  • Expand outreach to educators and community and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the needs of young carers
  • Convene the Quebec Young Caregiver Symposium on October 27, 2023 to share best practices with health, social care, and education professionals
  • Lead the Quebec Young Caregiver Aware Working Group, a convening of organizations across the province to improve services to young caregivers, strengthen partnerships and collective impact
  • Support CCCE’s National Young Carers Roundtable, a national network of 20+ Canadian agencies and organizations who convene quarterly to share service models, best practices, and advocacy efforts.

Young caregivers are a vulnerable and unrecognized population in Canada. There are an estimated 1.25 million young caregivers in Canada – children, youth, and young adults ages 15 to 25 who provide care for a family member due to a chronic illness, disability, mental health concern or needs related to aging. AMI-Quebec is a non-profit organization supporting people with mental health challenges and their caregivers.