Canadian Caregivers Advisory Network

Caregivers across Canada need more support and better policy solutions. The Canadian Caregivers Advisory Network brings together caregivers, researchers and allies nationwide to build and advocate for a better future.

Collective action for positive change

The Canadian Caregivers Advisory Network (Caregivers CAN) (formerly Caregivers4Change) assembles passionate and knowledgeable caregivers, researchers and allies to find practical solutions to challenges and mobilize for change. The group was formed at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario under the leadership of Dr. Hsien Seow.

The Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE) and Caregivers CAN have strongly aligned visions and goals: we share a focus on supporting caregivers using lived experience as a guide, education, network-building and advocacy.

CCCE will continue to build this network with caregivers by listening to their needs and working together to advocate for a better future for all.

Get Involved

Caregivers CAN invites caregivers, researchers and allies to help shape meaningful and practical change for caregivers. To join the network, follow CCCE on social media and sign-up for our newsletter.

A young black woman caregiver hugs an elderly black woman’s shoulders while looking at her lovingly